Thursday, September 16, 2010

Two months coming up / missing post

I want to make this quick blog post before I get moving this morning.

It has come to my attention that only two postings have been successfully posted in this blog since I arrived in Bali. Somehow a blog is missing, and I don't have it backed up anywhere. I will deal with that at a later time. Some of what I am about to write was in that post.

I am heading back to Los Angeles on Monday. I expected this due to a visa limitation as I near my two month mark. I will be home for one month, and at that time I will make the final decision as to whether or not I am returning. At the present time I am confident that I will be returning. I was given options for alternatives to returning to Los Angeles, but the month back home will be most welcome. My hair, which I finally cut short for the trip, is not so short anymore, and the haircut I got by a very beautiful local woman was not as beautiful as she is. I look a lot less like a sheepdog but more like a poodle. And as for any photos you might encounter online, I have sworn to disavow any knowledge of their existence.

For the most part I have been working with adults in Conversational English, but should I decide to return, I will be working with children. I have enjoyed my fellow volunteers, the teachers and the students. Pastor Rob is here, but he is leaving next week. I believe this is his fifth visit here, and he's looking forward to his sixth around the time I return. Rob and his church have made a lot of the arrangements for flights and guesthouse accommodations.

I hope to make another post before I go home. I don't want to lost another post, so I will see how this works.

Always in a rush...



  1. With all this flying, I hope you're signed up for frequent flyer points.

    And where might one go online to see those pics of you as a poodle?

    At least when you're home you'll blog more often-- I hope.


  2. I'm glad you're planning on going back. You'll love working with the kids.

    I can't imagine you as a poodle. You're definitely that new breed -- a deliberate cross breeding between a schitzu and a bulldog. It's called the bullschit.

    I don't think I'd be too willing to turn around in a month to make a flight like that. I hope they're sending you first class. I remember you mentioning this but didn't know you had to come back to the USA. Don't know anything about visas since I've never gone that far out of the country.

    Anyway, I'm sure we'll hear from you when you get home.
