Thursday, February 4, 2010

An introduction...or Here we go again.

However you found this blog, whether someone recommended it to you or you heard about it from me, I would like to welcome you as a reader. I'd like to start off by telling you a little about myself. But don't worry. I'll leave out all the gory and boring details. As open and public as I am, there are times when I prefer to be at least a little private about certain details.

I live in Los Angeles and I'm a 21 year-old college senior. I started out as a Journalism major, but now I'm looking forward toward a teaching career. I know a few people who have gone this same path, and I have heard and seen the joy in all they say about a career with an endless bounty of rewards. I tutored a seventh grader a while ago, and that was so rewarding that I decided to look a little more closely at my career path. I have close friends who have tried to talk some sense into me, to use the talents...or gifts I have, and pass them on. At the present time I am hoping to work in the area of substance abuse rehabilitation. I'm not sure where I will fit in, but if prior experiences are a plus, then I am a step ahead of the competition. It saddens me to think how nobody wants to go into teaching in 2010. I understand teaching to be, at times, a thankless job. Then I ask myself why it has to be that way. I also ask myself why I would want to go into a profession that not only pays less than many jobs with the same education requirements, but would also be regarded as thankless. Friends of mine refer to one's "calling". This is my calling. I decided to follow the call. I'm not sure where it will lead me, but I'm ready for the ride.

When I read one's About Me in Myspace I see statistics that don't necessarily describe the person. I am a white boy of English, Dutch, Scottish, Irish, French extraction. Myspace is hung up on Status, Ethnicity, Orientation, Religion, Smoker, Drinker, Children, plus many other categories. Such criteria in determining friendship completely escape me. But I was open with all of the above. Let me start out by telling you that I am openly gay. You won't see a banner above, announcing that I'm a gay white boy, or that my blog is all about the life of a gay white boy. I'm not in anyone's face about it, and I don't tend to be an activist about anything, including being gay. Being gay is a part of the entire package of what is known as "ME", rather than what I am. I don't write about gay issues unless I'm writing about a person who also happens to be gay, or someone who is having difficulty coming out. The only indication a reader will have about my sexuality will be my mention of David, the most warm, wonderful person in my life. This would make my Status "In a Relationship". To say he's been good to me would be a gross understatement. He's the kind of person who lets me cry on his shoulder. He'll talk sense into my head and tell me I'm being a fool, yet never allow me to doubt that he's doing it because he loves me. I wrote a very descriptive blog about the first time I met David. I will post that here. So if my being gay turns you against me, please read no further. I'm glad you stopped by, and thanks for reading this far.

As for Religion, I was baptized Methodist, although I've been to most Protestant denominational churches. I keep my religious beliefs private, although most know that I have a very strong faith in God. I had an eye-opening experience a few years ago, and a very patient and loving gentleman found the most fitting and perfect scripture readings to share with me. While I am not what anyone would consider Born Again, I believe I was able to get in touch with the faith that was already within me. I do believe we all have a purpose. I'm discovering mine.

My parents were divorced when I was much younger. I recently reconnected with my father, who lives in Phoenix. My father and I are very similar, right down to some of the details that one would rather forget. Dad is a recovering alcoholic, married to a lovely woman who is also recovering. The person who says that addiction isn't hereditary should know my family. I have a history of drugs and alcohol, although that is in the past. I even question how I ever made it through high school so near to the top of my class. This brings up the subject of Purpose once again.

I have been to visit my father several times, and we have not only smoothed out the rough times in our past but we've formed a father-son relationship that is like nothing else I've ever known. It seemed that as things started getting better, they got better exponentially.

I live with my mother and my sister Christine. My brother Alex lives with his wife and their 18 month old son Ethan. I could write a lot about Ethan. He's my nephew Yankee Doodle, born on the Fourth of July. Mom and I were a day from leaving for New Jersey when Alex's wife went into labor. I believe my blog for that day was: "Hold Everything. There's going to be more than fireworks today!" Alex and Christine are Mom's children from her first marriage. I am the product of her second.

I've always enjoyed writing. I received several literacy and penmanship awards from the second grade through high school. I was influenced by many people, especially my parents, who encouraged proper grammar, and later, Mom, who wasn't the least bit discrete when it came to my writing errors. I hope she doesn't read my blog. Did you read that, Sean? I was always encouraged to write, and I had hoped to make it a career. Life changes when you least expect it.

As time goes by you'll learn a little more about me. But I'll end this what my own words from my Myspace.

As time goes on you may learn a little bit more about me and my completely unpredictable life. I'm full of surprises. My blogs will not attempt to hide the person I am. I'll put it there for all to read...the good and the virtues and my vices. I may make you laugh. If I do, yay. I can be funny. I may make you cry. If I do, that's good, too. I can be very sensitive.

Thanks for visiting...and please come visit me again soon. Thank you a lot. Just one more thing. Don't ever pass up the chance to say "I love you."


  1. I get kinda lost finding the old entries. I might suggest asking people to sign as anon and enter their names.

    Jeff S.

  2. I made a Blogger account. This will be easier now. You might suggest followers do the same.

  3. Big hugs from Dallas, sent on the wind to California (make sure you get them). This was a great "introduction" blog and anybody who has a problem with you, Michael, from what they've read here is off their gourd. Jeff (Longboardjeff) knows Michael better than I so he can attest to this, as well... Michael is one of the most loving, compassionate and honest young men you'll ever find in a 21-year-old. His [blog] entries will entertain you, yet serve as one of the healthiest sources of personal growth you could hope for (if you'll give him the chance). Much love, many hugs to you (Michael), your Mom, David and all the rest of your family. I'm glad you are sharing your life with us here.

    Michael (in Dallas)
